Evelyn de Souza CLAUDINO


The war does not happen at the same way as it happened in the past. In a
technologic era, there is a lot of possibilities of weapons that can be used to attack
the enemy, and the ‘’traditional’’ way to fight, with a battalion of soldiers carrying
heavier weapons than themselves, is decreasing, because the machines are
beginning to substitute the place of humans on the battlefield. In this new context,
twenty-first century, the technological revolution and the artificial intelligence (AI),
one of the possibilities is the cyberattacks, that by the way, became a powerful
weapon. A lot of Conventions, try to regulate situations like this, because even in
a war, there is rules, more specifically, the international law imposes rules about
how a war can be legally fought. The Hague Conventions prohibits weapons that
cause unnecessary suffering for example. The Information Warfare, this dispute
to discover important data and use it against a state – to destroy adversary data
or even a whole computer system and cause instabilities; where also is used,
potent virus, drones, killers robots and an infinity of devices that human can
create, in this scenario there is a very important point to discuss – the
autonomous weapons. They can be small, seem harmless, but are able to kill a
very large proportion of people and in most cases there are another problem; how
to know who should be held responsible when these devices are already
programmed to leave no trace? This is an insecurity to the victim state, but
especially to the civilians, for those people that had your humans rights violated.
In the past when there was a war, it was very apparent, a troop was moving until
the field intended to attack, but in this present scenario, a state can be stealing
confidential information from another, and the attacked state do not even suspect
about it. With this data imagine how many details, how many secrets are
revealed. It’s enough to commit a bigger attack, like a successful massacre, a
huge genocide, The present paper aimed to elucidate the context of the war
nowadays and what are the mechanisms more used, through a methodology
based on doctrinal analysis and bibliographical research. Finally, it concludes that
these new technologies should be controlled by treaties and supervisory organs
in the smallest details, because it can be dangerous and allows crimes against
humanity in the blink of an eye.

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