Angelo Alberto Colucci Filho


The role of the State regarding the management of social politics has been changing, because of the process of globalization. This change affects principally the role of the state of providing equity by the management of social politics. The solution is to apply the “net concept” in the management of social politics which participation by society. The methodology used was the conceptual theoretical analysis regarding the management of social politics. The interpretation is based on the Net Theory concepts and the social Welfare-State concept too. In the 80s many changes occurred, for example: (a) dismantling of the social politics essential purpose; (b) the enlargement of the possibilities for accessing the information and consumption nets; (c) the social movements transferred to the civil society a central role in the definition of the state political agenda; and (d) these social movements created tensions to the management of social politics. The State in the New Millennium have internal tensions of decentralization, flexibility and strengthen of the civil society created new relations between what may be called global governance and local governance. Such relations gain representativeness at the Third Sector and possess largely valued attributes in the social management of the current decade. The dynamic of the real social politics management implementation process is usually turbulent and strongly influenced by groups of interests. Three aspects so that a quality social management reaches the equity, the focalization and the impact of the social politics: first, the social politics management models ulti/intersectorial; secondly, the strengthen of social articulation through cultural activities; and thirdly, the management modernization of the “institutional framework” and the participation of citizens during formulation and evaluation of social politics. Thinking about social interactions in the systemic perspective. The strengthen of the individual as the target of the social work. Working in a net is much more difficult than promoting behaviors changes. The net management can be applied to the welfare state. The new order is “strategic alliances and partnerships. The net management is anchored in democratic principles and also in ample participation, negotiated and prepositive. An inter-sectorial or transectorial management demands the conjugation, convergence and integration of sectorial politics and programs. Perhaps, a social council that congregates the sectorial council and the council by segments, to decisions that retotalize the social. This way the social services – implemented by social politics – are combining other modalities of assistance that demands participation of the citizen who uses the service, the family and the community. For instance: (a) in the area of health; (b) in the area of education; (c) in the social area; (d) in the economical area; and (e) in the cultural area. The mere information is not enough to approximate people. The complement of actions developed by the several levels of state administration. The political options demand, nowadays, the art of contemplating a balance between universality and focalism. This way is necessary to promote an inter-governmental management of nets.


Social politics. Equity. Nets

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